Honour Code & Pledge
Our Honour Code
- I will know the Vanguard Honour Code.
- I will uphold my pledge.
- I will not be late or absent without notifying the school.
- I will wear my uniform correctly at all times.
- I will follow instructions quickly and with a positive attitude.
- I will always be respectful.
- I will behave in a way that is fitting of a Vanguard recruit.
- I will never lie, cheat, steal or use foul and offensive language.
- I will not degrade my body with drugs or alcohol.
- I will strive to make people proud.
Our Pledge
I promise to always do my best, to never give up, to respect my peers, my family, my elders, my school, my country.
I will abide by the Honour Code at all times, performing with honour, with courage, with commitment.
I will be Alert, Courteous, Clean, Honest, Obedient and Loyal.
In front of all, I pledge this.