Panui - Term 4, Week 5, 2023

We are well and truly right in the midst of camp season. A special thank you to all the teachers and parents who have been involved in the organisation and running of these camps and day trips - we couldn't do it without you!
On Friday we farewelled Ebony Barry. Ebony has been a Learning Assistant with us for many years. She has been amazing with our children and will be sorely missed but we wish her well in her new venture as a Property Manager.
As we draw towards the second half of term 4, testing and updating of children's progress in reading, writing and maths will occur. We are excited to celebrate the progress ākonga (learners) have made this year. Attendance is a huge factor in progress and achievement - it is important that children are attending school regularly in order for us to help them reach their potential. We currently have 126 children across the school whom have an attendance rate less than 90%. If you are having any issues getting your child to school, please make contact with me and I will help in any way I can.
Enjoy your week,

Just a reminder that dates for events happening later in the term can be found on our community calendar (either via our website or HERO)
Senior athletics
The timetable for Monday is attached below. Children will need to bring a large lunch, drink bottle, and school sunhat. They should come to school wearing sunblock and their sports uniform (black shorts/tights and Tawhiti sports top).
Prize-giving will occur at our next assembly on Friday 10th.
Mufti Day - this Friday
This Friday we have a mufti day. The purpose of this day is to support our PTA with their housie fundraiser. This fundraiser is one of our biggest of the year so your support would be much appreciated. We are asking for a donation to go towards our grocery raffle.
We are also in search of some bakers who would be happy to bake and donate some goods for the shop on the day of the housie (Sunday 19th November). If you able to support in this space, please let our PTA president Ruiha Berry know - 027 511 9002.
Transition Visits to Te Paepae o Aotea
Our Year 6 students have their first transition visit next Wednesday. They will come to school as normal and travel down together as a group.
What to bring to Transition Visits
1. A snack for lunch and drink bottle (they will provide lunch)
2. Covered shoes for the Tech Rooms
3. PE gear (change of clothes), sneakers (non-marking)
4. A clean recycled tin can e.g. spaghetti, fruit, corn, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office on 06-223-2000.
If you are yet to enrol your child for 2024, please contact Te Paepae o Aotea and do this ASAP.

We have an amazing teaching team lined up for 2024. Carmen Wood (currently Principal at Huiakama School) and Levi Parete will be joining us. Emma Mulliss will also be back teaching full-time in the classroom for 2024 which is exciting for our children!
Class lists will be finalised and made available via HERO during the last week of school.
Children will spend a day meeting their new teacher on Thursday 14th December.

- Sheri is on the lookout for empty Watties tomato sauce or chilli sauce squeezy bottles for a fun activity. If you have any around can you please hand them to her or drop them at the office.
A reminder that school sun hats need to be worn throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has one (even our Year 6's). These can be purchased from The Warehouse or ordered through the school office.
The NZ Government has launched a zero data website. This site enables you to get free access to our school website/newsletter from your mobile – you don’t need data but you do need it turned on. Zero Data is available to anyone using a mobile device connected to the Spark, Skinny, One NZ, 2degrees, Warehouse Mobile, Slingshot or Orcon mobile networks. There are some limitations to how our website displays, however, the information is still available. Save the address for our site -
Registrations are open for the 2024 Weetbix Tryathlon. This is an amazing event so I encourage as many as possible to enter. You will need to arrange to transport your own child and their bike to this event. You can register and join our school group using this link: