Panui - Term 3, Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope everyone has had a much deserved break :)
I would like to welcome our newest wee members and their whānau to our team. Mack Jeffries, Eli Devine, John Hikaka, Kiara Tipene-Edwards, Alesha Murcott, and Zharn Williamson. Nau mai, haere mai ki te kura o Tawhiti.
This term is all about getting creative!
"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun."
Our normal literacy and numeracy programmes will continue to run in the mornings and we will be getting creative in the afternoons! The crafts, artwork and performances we create this term will be shown on stage in our production 'Shrek' and next term at our Grandparents/Pet Day. (Set for Week 1, Term 4)
The focus of our wellbeing unit this term will be friendships. We will support children to develop strategies to make friends, be good friends, build trust and resolve conflict. Your support by continuing to talk about these things at home always makes a huge difference. We will also continue to enhance wellbeing through physical activity! Sheri has many things planned in the sport and fitness space, including getting us all out and about running ready for cross country.
Our te reo unit this term will be tōku tinana. Our little people will be learning body parts and simple actions words (eg peke/jump, kanikani/dance, oma/run). This learning will build through the school to our senior learners who will be learning to put together an action sentence with different subjects, actions, locations and tense. (eg Kei te kanikani au ki roto i te kopa ako - I am dancing inside the classroom).
So all in all an exciting term of learning is planned and we look forward to sharing highlights along the way!
Speaking of exciting...we would like to extend our congratulations to Shane who has been successful in winning the Principals position at Ngaere School. Shane will finish up with us at the end of Term 3 to take up his new position. This is a goal Shane has been working towards, it well deserved, and I am sure you will join me in wishing him all the best. Shane has contributed to Tawhiti greatly during his 4 years as DP and while he will be missed, we feel privileged and honoured that a leader from Tawhiti is being chosen to lead another school. We certainly grow them good around here! For this term though, it is business as usual.
As always, thank you for your support of our school and if you have any concerns or would like to chat, flick me an email or pop in and see me.

Whanau Hui
- A reminder that next Monday (29th July) we will be holding whānau hui.
- We would like to meet with EVERYONE to discuss progress and make a plan to support your child moving forward with learning.
- Times can be booked under the school bookings tab on HERO.
- If you are unable to attend with your child, please feel free to send a grandparent or whānau member along in your place.
- Children should attend these hui with you in order to be marked present. This will not be a normal school day.
New Enrolments
- Consultation around our enrolment zone has now closed and we are moving to the next steps in this process.
- Ensuring we have space for siblings of current students is a priority, therefore, if you have little people who will be starting school next year can you please fill out our online enrolment form before the end of Week 1 in order for us to plan and ensure your child has a space. Unfortunately, if you live out of zone and we do not receive your enrolment by this date, we cannot guarantee a space for 2025 and you will need to wait until October for confirmation.
- Those families that do not currently have children enrolled at our school and live outside of our zone will still be able to enrol, however, acceptance at the school will be dependent on the number of available places. We encourage you to fill in the online enrolment form and we will be able to confirm enrolment in October of this year.

Here is an overview of important dates for the term ahead. As usual we will send out weekly reminders on HERO throughout the term.
End of year camps
All teachers will be in touch during Week 1 with Term 4 camp dates, locations, plans and costs. We ask that all camps are paid for by the end of Term 3 or a payment plan is arranged. Any questions regarding camps, please contact your child's teacher.
Can you help us?
- Our gardening group is looking to build a chicken coop...if have have some skills and could help us out or if you have any saws lying around home that you are happy to donate we would be grateful. Please send these to Whaea Anna or email
- We are after some fairy tale costumes for our production. All fairy tale creatures wanted...think snow white, hansel/gretel, witches, wolves, 3 little name it we would love to borrow it. We are after all sizes from 5 years through to 10-12 years. They will be well looked after and returned. If you can help out please let Ash or Emma know (