Final newsletter for 2024
Kia ora koutou,
What a fantastic night of touch last night. A huge congratulations to Tawhiti Tu Meke for claiming the Year 3/4 title. We also extend our congratulations to the Tawhiti Warriors for finishing 2nd and the Tawhiti Legends for taking 3rd place in the Year 5/6 category.
As we wrap up another incredible year, I want to extend my thanks to you all. Your support, encouragement, and involvement has been appreciated. Our students continue to shine because of the partnership between home and school. Whether it’s your presence at events, your support of learning, or your belief in our vision, you make a difference every day. Thank you for being part of the Tawhiti whānau!
To our Year 6 leavers, it is always a sad time as we say goodbye and good luck! I know you will carry with you the values of ako—a love for learning, manaakitanga—kindness and respect for others, whanaungatanga—the strength of relationships, and hauora—the importance of your well-being. Remember, once Tawhiti, always Tawhiti. We are so proud of you!
Meri Kirihimete,

Building work
Rata and Kowhai are set to have some building and refurbishment upgrades. Our BOT and teachers are super excited about this project as it has been a long time in the making! The building team from Shaun Fowlie builders is on standby waiting for the green light from council. All going well, work will commence in the school holidays with the majority being done before we return to school. There is, however, a high possibility that these classrooms will be out of action in the first couple of weeks back at school but we will keep you all in the loop.
2025 classes
We have a couple of staff changes for 2025. We sadly farewell Karla Swainson and thank her for her input into the Tawhiti team over the past 2 years. We are welcoming Elizabeth Hardy and Kelly Gibbs. Kelly is ex-Tawhiti...she was teaching at our kura when I started as a beginning teacher! Makes us all feel a little bit old. Kelly is an amazing teacher who we are stoked to welcome onboard as our literacy specialist. Elizabeth is no stranger to Tawhiti either with her niece and nephew, Max and Rose Paulger, attending our school. Nau mai, haere mai ki te kura o Tawhiti Kelly raua ko Beth.
On Friday next week please check HERO as your child's report will be updated and finalised for 2024 and their class placement for 2025 will be available. On Wednesday 11th, children will come to school as normal but will spend a section of the day with their 2025 class and teacher. This is an exciting day, and ensures children approach 2025 with excitement and a positive, open-minded attitude!
Stationery lists will be available on the homepage of HERO from the beginning of next year.

We have a few events to finish off the year...
Christmas Pool Picnic - Friday 13th!
- On Friday 13th we are having a Christmas themed dress up day! No money necessary - just come dressed in the Christmas spirit.
- At 11:30am we will bus the children down to the Hawera Aquatic Centre for a swim.
- We welcome any parents who would like to come along and join us / supervise / swim
- Children will need to be collected from the town pool between 2:45 and 3pm on this day. We will sort the bus children and get them where they need to go!
- The PTA will have the BBQ running if you wish to purchase lunch. Food will need to be ordered from in the hall on Friday morning.
$3 sausage in bread
$2 drinks
$2 ice blocks
$2 chocolate bars
Year 6 prize giving and farewell - Tuesday 17th
- Held at the Hawera Memorial Theatre on Tuesday 17th December.
- Doors open at 5:30pm for a mix and mingle + photo opportunity
- All whānau to be seated in the theatre for a 6pm start
- Following the commencement of the formal prize giving, we will have a disco for our leavers. Pizza and drink will be provided and children will need to be collected at 8:30pm.
School end of year prize giving - Wednesday 18th
- Our last day of school for the year is Wednesday 18th December.
- At 11:45am we will have our final prize giving.
- Weather permitting, this will be held outside in the courtyard.
- School will finish for the year at 12:30pm, following this prize giving.
- Teachers will notify you on HERO if your child is receiving an award.
On top of these events we also have a few classes still to go on camp and our Beach Education days scheduled. Specific details will be communicated on HERO with the classes involved.

- While there were not massive crowds down at the Dixon Banner, the PTA food fundraiser was still a success with $500 raised. A huge thank you to Erin, Lou, Rashawn and Daphnee who made this happen.
- Upcoming: Our Moana 2 movie fundraiser is this Sunday. Our school will receive a $4.50 donation from all tickets sales to Moana 2, screening at Hawera Cinema 2, 12.45pm on Sunday 1st Dec. Please share the word and support this fundraiser if you can! (Note: We recommend skipping the queues and purchasing tickets ahead of the day! These are purchased from the cinema just like normal)
- The PTA will be selling sausages, drinks, ice blocks, and chocolate bars at our end of year school picnic. This will be held at the Hawera Aquatic Centre on Friday 13th December. We have a team set to take orders at school in the morning but welcome any help on the BBQ and distributing food on the day. Please let Erin Gibb know if you can help out!
Year books
Just a reminder that year books are for sale. They are $20 and can be purchased from Emma in the office. Our PTA kindly gifts a year book to all our Year 6 leavers. We would like to extend a thank you to the following businesses who kindly support our year book through advertising:
- Mellond Water Services
- McCallum and Dallas
- Greaves Electrical
- Quirk Precision Engineering
- Shaun Fowlie Builders
- Hawera Kitchens
- Metcalfe Real Estate
- Bourke Building
- Hawera Rewinds
- LC Building
- EP Master Plumber
- PWI electrical
- Evergreen Plumbing
Ngā mihi ki a koutou - your support of our kura is much appreciated!