Back to school - 2025
Welcome Back to School!
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
Just like that its time to start another school year... we are looking forward to diving into Term 1 with your children. I would like to take this opportunity to send a special Tawhiti welcome to the new tamariki and whānau who are joining our team this year - we look forward to getting to know you all and being a part of your child's education.
You’ll notice some building work around the school, which means the hall will be out of action for most of the term. This impacts assemblies, but we’re making do with Kōwhai using the hall and Rātā in Mānuka for now. It’s not ideal, but we’re moving as quickly as we can to get everyone into their classrooms. Thanks for your patience!
There’s lots to look forward to this term, including:
🏊♂️ Swimming Sports
🏕️ Pātea Dam Camp (Years 4+)
🗻 Mountain Day Trips for all students, supporting learning for our Term 1 unit, Ko Taranaki te Maunga.
This year, our schools strategic goals are focused on continuing to lift writing achievement, particularly for our boys and Māori students and rolling out the new curriculum in structured literacy and numeracy. These changes aim to strengthen the way we teach and support tamariki to achieve success in core areas. We’re excited about the opportunities and growth this will bring for our learners.
Pictured above is our Senior Leadership Team, alongside your child's classroom teacher we are here to support you throughout the year. Whether it’s sharing successes, discussing concerns, or providing feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Your insights help us improve and ensure the best experiences for our tamariki and whānau. So don’t hesitate to reach out! We welcome you to contact any of our staff in person, via phone call to the school office, through HERO (parent contact) or via email. All our teachers can be contacted using eg
This year we are delighted to welcome some new faces to our team:
- Kelly Gibbs – Literacy Specialist Teacher
- Beth Hardy – Year 2 Teacher
- Diana-Leigh Martin – Learning Assistant with Whaea Jen and Rātā
Here’s to a fantastic term ahead!
Ngā mihi,
Sarah Johnston
School times
- Children can be dropped at school from 8:30 onwards (not before for safety reasons)
- The bell rings at 8:55 am and we begin our day with fitness, karakia, waiata, roll, and notices. We ask that all tamariki arrive by this time as it is very disruptive if children rock in late.
- Morning tea is at 11:00 am, and lunch is at 1:00 pm.
- School finishes at 3:00 pm.
When picking up children, please help us model road safety by using the school pedestrian crossing, especially during the busy pickup times.
Correct uniform shows pride in our kura and helps create a strong sense of belonging. Uniform expectations are on our website, and items can be purchased from The Warehouse. Hats are compulsory in Term 1 and must be a school hat (available at The Warehouse or school office). While there are no official shoe requirements, black is preferred. If wearing Crocs, please leave the Jibbitz at home. Thank you for helping us look sharp and representing our kura with pride!
Sun safety
As mentioned above all children are required to wear a school sunhat during Term 1. Teachers will ensure tamariki apply sunblock before breaks and school events. It is becoming common for children to tell us they are allergic to the school sunblock. While this is true for a few, it can also be an avoidance tactic! So if your child has a genuine allergy, please provide a named bottle of their own sunblock. If no personal sunblock is supplied, we will use the school sunblock to ensure they are protected.
Food and nutrition
Tawhiti is a water-only school. We also encourage waste-free lunchboxes to help keep our kura and planet clean. Children will bring all rubbish home in their lunchboxes for disposal or recycling.
Some tips:
- Use reusable containers instead of cling film or zip-lock bags.
- Pack snacks in beeswax wraps or bento-style lunchboxes.
- Choose items with minimal packaging.
Children are able to buy Subway for lunch on Wednesdays and Sushi on Friday's. Order forms are available in the school office. NB: Sushi orders need to be in on a Thursday.
All notices are sent out via HERO. At least one member of your whānau will need to have access to this app. If you are having trouble getting this to work, please drop in and see myself, Emma in the office, or your child's teacher.
Our school pool is nice and warm and ready to go. Children will have swimming lessons with their class as well as the opportunity to swim at lunchtimes. All children should bring their togs on the first day and teachers will communicate class swimming days/times with you. However, if in doubt - pack them anyway!
As always, we’ll send out weekly reminders to keep you updated with happenings at kura. However, here are some key dates for your calendar this term.
We are gearing up to take our seniors on another unforgettable Patea Dam experience. Attached is the newsletter and gear list. This will also come home in hard copy along with the permission form on our first week back at school. If you have a boat and would be interested in bringing it out to give your child's class a tubing experience we would be INCREDIBLY grateful. If this is something you can do, could you please contact me via text 0275206457 or flick me an email
Have you heard of the “forgetting curve”? Research shows that without regular review, we quickly forget new information. To combat this, repetition and spaced practice are essential for learning that sticks.
This is why you’ll notice homework during 2025 revisits concepts your child has already covered. Repetition helps move knowledge from short-term to long-term memory, building a strong foundation for future learning.
So while you may feel eager for your child to tackle new and challenging concepts, trust that we’ll introduce those at the right time in class. At home, focus on supporting their review of previously learned material. Repetition over time is a proven way to help children succeed and retain knowledge for the long term. Together, we can make learning stick!