At the Orientation Evening, you will be advised of the school curriculum, meet the staff, learn about the rules and regulations and how the school is run.  Each Orientation Evening involves a basic numeracy and literacy test and a multi-stage fitness test.  These assessments have no influence on enrolment, but are designed to assist with identifying any possible barriers to learning, class placements and any special needs that might exist.

Each recruit will also have a formal interview with a member of staff.  This will give us a clear indication of anything the recruits are struggling with, need extra attention with, what their goals are and what they want to achieve at Vanguard.

The Orientation Evening should take around 2 hours to comlete and is compulsory for all apllicants.  Every recruit will need tto bring a ininum of one parent/caregiver to the evening as it is important you both receive the information.  At the end of the Orientation Evening you should have a clear understanind of the school.  Before leaving, you will be given a full enrolment pack.  This pack includes our policies/procedures, option choices and recruit infomration.  This pack will need to be returned to the school by the date specified.  Please note if the fomrs are nor completed and returned in time with all required consents and sureties, we will not be able to process your application. 

Enrolment at Vanguard Military School is restricted by numbers and option choices at all levels and if applications exceed our maximum number, a ballot will be held to identify selected recruits.  Everyone that enrolled will be notified of the outcome.


  1. Recruit sign in
  2. Information seminar
  3. Academic testing
  4. Recruit interview
  5. Fitness testing
  6. Enrolment pack

PLEASE BRING  (Mandatory)

  1. A change of clothes for the fintess test (including footwear appropriate to run in)
  2. At least one parent/caregiver


Smart casual for all prospective recruits wishing to enrol.  There are standards associated with Vanguard Military School.  If you are applying to enrol, you will need to dress as if you were going to a job interview.
Please do not turn up wearing a beanie, hoody or singlet.  You will have time to change for the fitness test (shorts, a t-shirt and running shoes needed).