Tena koutou e te whanau
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most significant decisions you make as a parent/caregiver. The environment your tamariki learn in, the experiences they have, and the people they are surrounded by during their primary school years help set the foundations for their future.
At Tawhiti, we are passionate about ensuring our akonga experience success. We acknowledge that success for one child will look different to the next, therefore as a school we strive to offer a range of opportunities. In particular, we pride ourselves on the strong literacy, numeracy, outdoor education, arts and cultural programmes that we offer. Ako (learning), hauora (wellbeing) and whanaungatanga (relationships) are at the heart of everything we do at Tawhiti School.
We know when you visit us and become part of the Tawhiti Team you will sense and experience the friendly and caring culture we have worked hard to create.
Sarah Johnston
Tumuaki / Principal
Learning at Tawhiti
The learning experiences that we offer across the curriculum enable all ākonga to shine and feel confident in their language, culture and identity. Literacy and numeracy are of high priority. These foundational skills are critical for future success and for enhancing the wellbeing of our learners and community. Tawhiti Learners have reading, writing, and maths progressions, providing a framework for learning and progress. These progressions enable ākonga to work alongside their kaiako and whānau to select goals, reflect, monitor their progress and determine their next learning steps.
At Tawhiti, we are also particularly proud of the learning experiences we offer in the arts curriculum, the health and fitness opportunities we provide, the camps that we offer as part of our EOTC programmes, and our kapahaka roopu who are the heart of our kura.
Photo Gallery
Term 4
It is almost the beginning of summer! Sun hats are on and we are in for another busy term. We begin with our annual pet day/grandparents day, followed by all classes heading out on their end of year camps.
As usual, it is full steam ahead for sports this term. Taranaki cricket, athletics, touch rugby and water safety are just some of the exciting opportunities our tamariki will have. The heated school pool will re-open for class swimming lessons and lunch time fun!
It is going to be an action packed term!